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Coming soon: More slide resources from the PCSK9 Forum Expert Editorial Board

Additional insights from the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES and FOURIER landmark trials

PCSK9 Forum is pleased to announce the next in this series of educational slide decks discussing key results and expert analysis from important trials in the PCSK9 field.

Earlier slide decks presented the main findings from the FOURIER and ODYSSEY OUTCOMES cardiovascular outcomes trials. Now, PCSK9 Forum will add new decks which highlight key analyses from these trials.

The slide decks capture the essentials of these analyses and provide expert interpretation for clinicians involved in the management of very high-risk patients in their routine practice. They will provide a novel addition to the educational tools available for these important trials.


A new slide deck from the FOURIER trial will focus on the effects of evolocumab in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD), a highly prevalent vascular complication affecting more than 200 million people worldwide. People with PAD are at higher absolute risk of adverse cardiovascular and limb events. Further lowering of LDL cholesterol with evolocumab led to greater absolute benefit in this high-risk group.


A new slide deck from the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES trial will focus on the effects of alirocumab on reduction in total cardiovascular events and total fatal events. The use of total event data showed that alirocumab avoided twice as many non-fatal cardiovascular events or deaths when considering total versus first events.

Don’t miss these unique educational resources which are launching shortly - bookmark this page

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Did you miss the first set of slides in the
Slide Deck Programme?

First two complementary decks focusing on the main results from FOURIER and ODYSSEY OUTCOMES are available for download


Register now at www.pcsk9forum.org to access our new slide deck programme.
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