The Word from the 2018 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions
What made the news at this year’s meeting?
Lipoprotein(a) was a key focus. First, the 2018 US Cholesterol Guidelines incorporated elevated lipoprotein(a) as a marker of cardiovascular risk. Second, a Latebreaker session showed a favourable benefit versus risk profile for a novel antisense oligonucleotide specific to the apolipoprotein(a) component of lipoprotein(a).
Now the stage is truly set to test the ‘lipoprotein(a) hypothesis’ with a phase III trial to evaluate whether lowering elevated lipoprotein(a) levels reduces cardiovascular events.
PCSK9 Forum Editor Professor John Chapman gives his take home messages about lipoprotein(a)
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There were important new insights from the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Trial with the PCSK9 monoclonal antibody alirocumab in acute coronary syndrome patients. Specifically, these new findings related to the impact of longer exposure to alirocumab on mortality, the relevance of baseline LDL cholesterol level to treatment benefit, and the impact of alirocumab on the total cardiovascular disease burden in these very high-risk patients. Additionally, a cost-effectiveness analysis showed the health value associated with alirocumab in preventing cardiovascular events and death in the post-acute coronary syndrome setting from a USA payer perspective.
Lead Investigator of the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Trial, Professor Gregory G. Schwartz (University of Colorado, Denver, USA) comments on these new findings.
Clinicians and researchers can look forward to exciting new developments in the lipid field in 2019. |