2017 Updated European Clinical Guidance for Use of a PCSK9 inhibitor
Following publication of the first outcomes studies with PCSK9 inhibitors, clinicians have been asking for new practical guidance for their use in the clinic.
This Joint Task Force from the European Society of Cardiology and European Atherosclerosis Society addresses this need. The focus is on patients with clinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, as well as primary prevention patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH, inherited high cholesterol) with substantial LDL cholesterol burden.
New to this guideline:
- Three defined LDL cholesterol thresholds (levels) to consider a PCSK9 inhibitor
- Practical clinical algorithms
- Emphasis on the role of imaging in risk assessment
- Practical advice on monitoring response to LDL-lowering therapies
Prof. Ulf Landmesser (Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany) lead author from the European Society of Cardiology, discusses key points of the guidance here. | |  |
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More News from the 7th PCSK9 Forum Expert Meeting, Barcelona, Spain
How Do We Identify Very High Risk Patients for PCSK9 Inhibition?
Prof. Erik Stroes (Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) makes the case for simple approaches to clinical profiling
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Prof. Ulf Landmesser discusses the role of imaging
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Profiling Patients with ACS: What are the prospects for PCSK9 Inhibition?
A pertinent question with ODYSSEY Outcomes expected early in 2018. Prof. Gregory G. Schwartz (VA Medical Center, Denver, USA) discusses.
Watch the presentation »
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