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Professor Gaetano M De Ferrari

Head of the University Cardiology in Torino, Città della Salute e della Scienza

Professor Gaetano M De Ferrari has recently been appointed as Head of the University Cardiology in Torino, Città della Salute e della Scienza. He was previously at the University Hospital in Pavia acting as Head of the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit and Cardiac Research Laboratories, Director of the Cardiovascular Clinical Research Center and Director of the Postrgraduate School of Cardiology.

He accumulated a large clinical experience in the treatment of complex cases in a wide array of cardiological conditions encompassing acute coronary syndromes, advanced heart failure, and malignant arrhythmias. He is recognized as an attentive teacher and a great mentor to several generations of young cardiologists, always stimulating curiosity and the search for possible non-conventional diagnoses. Gaetano has underlined the importance of evidence-based treatment and guideline-oriented therapy when these concepts were rarely mentioned. Presently, at a time when all residents and young cardiologists are heavily exposed to guidelines, he is supporting the need for a thorough understanding of the pathophysiology and mechanism of a clinical condition in order to select the best therapeutic approach, tailored to each particular patient.

Dr. De Ferrari has two main research interests. The first is in neuromodulation for cardiac diseases, area in which he pioneered the use of vagal stimulation in patients with heart failure, including performing the first-in-man study and co-chairing subsequent clinical studies. Dr De Ferrari is also one of the leading experts in cardiac sympathetic denervation for refractory ventricular arrhythmias.

His second main research interest is in acute coronary syndromes, including non-obstructive coronary artery disease, risk stratification after myocardial infarction, and secondary prevention with antiplatelet and lipid-lowering agents. Dr De Ferrari has been a steering committee member of several multicentre trials, including PROVE-IT, DIONYSOS, SEPIA-ACS, ALPHA, CARDIOFIT, NECTAR-HF, IMPROVE-IT, RAFFAELLO, TRA 2P-TIMI 50 and FOURIER. He is currently an Executive Committee Member of the study VESALIUS
He has authored over 170 journal publications, has an H index of 46 (Scopus) / 52 (Google Scholar).

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