Inaugural Closed Scientific Expert Meeting of the Editorial Board

A view from North America
Professor Henry Ginsberg , Columbia University, New York, USA
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PCSK9 monoclonal antibody therapy: pharmacodynamics, efficacy and safety
Webcast Prof Evan Stein, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA overviews the clinical development of PCSK9 monoclonal antibody therapy Report from State-of-the-Art PCSK9 Science: Current understanding and therapeutic perspectives Prof Evan Stein discusses the pharmacodynamics of the two most advanced PCSK9 monoclonal antibody…
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Mechanistic insights from PCSK9 LOF mutations
Mechanistic insights from PCSK9 LOF mutations with a particular focus on data from the Copenhagen studies, were discussed by Professor Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, and University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Seminal studies showed that carriage of LOF mutations was associated reduction in LDL cholesterol…
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How can we optimise PCSK9-targeted therapies?
Highly relevant to these discussions was how to optimise the use of PCSK9-targeted therapies, discussed from both European (Professor Luís Masana, University Rovira and Virgili, Reus-Tarragona, Spain) and North American (Professor Henry Ginsberg, Columbia University, New York, USA) perspectives, from the guidelines perspectives. There are…
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Evidence for the effects of PCSK9 beyond the liver
Evidence for the effects of PCSK9 beyond the liver was discussed by Professor Bertrand Cariou, INSERM UMR1087, l’Institut du Thorax, Nantes, France. A seminal paper showed that PCSK9 exerts hypocholesterolaemic effects via action in both the liver and intestine; in the latter case, PCSK9 modulates…
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