29th August 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Members of the Editorial Board met to discuss the latest PCSK9 science and future research challenges. Presentations given by five Board Members focused on basic science and clinical perspectives.
Does PCSK9 have effects beyond the liver?
Professor Bertrand Cariou, INSERM UMR1087, l’Institut du Thorax, Nantes, FrancePCSK9 loss of function mutations: mechanistic insights:
Professor Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, and University of Copenhagen, DenmarkHow can we optimise PCSK9-targeted therapies?
A view from Europe: Professor Luis Masana, University Rovira and Virgili, Reus-Tarragona, SpainA view from North America:
Professor Henry Ginsberg, Columbia University, New York, USAPCSK9 monoclonal antibody therapy: pharmacodynamics, efficacy and safety
Professor Evan Stein, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Cincinnati. USAVideos

PCSK9 and Lp(a), a novel approach to a re-emergent cardiovascular risk factor

Weighing the cost versus benefit of PCSK9-targeted therapy

High cholesterol: an unmet need

Looking ahead with PCSK9 Education & Research Forum

What are the patient priorities for PCSK9 inhibitors?

Does PCSK9 inhibition impact atherosclerosis?

Loss of function mutations in PCSK9: the trigger for therapeutic development

Does PCSK9 have effects beyond the liver and if so, what is the evidence?

Familial hypercholesterolaemia: putting the patient first
Going forward, a number of issues were identified:
- Elucidation of the underlying mechanism of PCSK9 inhibition in lowering Lp(a)
- In the identified patient priorities, would it be feasible to bypass other lipid-lowering therapies (after statins)? Is there a greater role for imaging in the management of these patients?
- Comprehensive evaluation of the benefit versus risk of these treatments in each clinical setting
- Education to minimise barriers to the use of PCSK9-targeted therapies (beyond cost).
- FH: to use a collaborative approach to educate clinicians about FH, so as to improve diagnosis and management
- Media support
- Patient-directed materials